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La Nordica Extraflame inserts

Reliable. Practical, silent and ecological, they enable to heat wide areas in very short time.

6 kW

nominal thermal power

172 m3


Technical Data

Dimensions 500 x 555 x 500 mm
Net Weight 90 kg
Hearth opening size 335 x 245 mm
Hearth size 300 x 320 x 360 mm
Smoke outlet diameter 130 mm
Hearth Ghisa-Nordiker™
Heatable 172 m3
Nominal thermal power 6 kW
Global thermal power 7.7 kW
Adustable primary air Yes
Adjustable secondary air Yes
Pre-adjusted tertiary air Yes
Efficiency 78.3%
Hourly consumption 1.8 kg/h
Convection fan Yes
Draught 1.2 mm H2O
Con. external air aspiration pipe Ø120 mm - Optional